Hi world....!!! It is so hard for me to decide whether I should go blogging or not. Because of low confidence to share and express in my head to others.... off course in english. But...ehm... I have to try... at least this is my effort for beeing familiar with virtual world that makes me feel comfort these days and "a way" of my daily activity. Ok... Iet's start with me... I am a simply 30 years old man. Single.... and available.... Well... as a Merine surveyor, I have so many opportunies to visit many places in my loving countries-Indonesia, and even abroad. Subhanallah...I really thank to Allah. That's why no wonder if I've seen so many culture, food, etc. which might be the coolest stuff ever. It is exciting and so special. Thanks to Allah once again.... Propeller bracket allignment at PT PAL Shipyard Surabaya Hull deformation check at PT PAL Shipyard Surabaya I hope this blog could be a place for you to find a different things and useful info. I will share ...
Showing posts from November, 2008